Derren Brown

Subliminal Messaging

Derren Brown and his reversed advert for his new show that has been on Channel 4 for about a week now is pretty intriguing. Watching it in reverse so he speaks forward only makes it more baffling. Watch how some objects are moving forward whilst others are moving backwards, there is definitely some clever editing going on here. As for the speaking I think it was mouthed whilst walking and then dubbed over the top in the edit, because no one can speak that perfectly in reverse. Or I was thinking it could have been shot in reverse really slowly so that Derren can walk through the cars without getting hit, then sped up to real time and reversed. Maybe some blue screen work has been done to make the illusion that he is amongst fast speeding traffic. Anyway it all very confusing, here is the advert reversed:

As for the subliminal messages, there are so many I nearly lost count. Red and Black are featured very heavily throughout the whole advert, red&black is written on the lorry at the start, the posters are all red and black, the red balloon, red phone box, a number of the cars are red and black. This may have something to do with the large billboard poster which reads ( Manchester United play in red and black. An actual site has been made for which gives a link to a site where you can watch the trailer again. Maybe he will make united loose a match, or make a player freeze on the pitch as an article on the site suggests. Also the pizza advert in the bus stop that reads has been made into a site that links to the trailer. Maybe Derren is going to make viewers that watch the show actually freeze to their sofa!

The lottery is also featured pretty heavily with the numbers on the post, the bus with a simular logo and slogan the lottery uses. Maybe he's gonna steal some money from them like the betting scam he did at the dogs that time.

When he mentions 'security systems' he takes a hard look at the little girls balloon with the logo of the bird on it, Barclays Bank logo maybe? and a man in a suit calls a taxi at this point too, could be a banker? maybe he's going to break some bank systems or something because he also says 'if you know where to look'.

Basically it is an amazing advert as it has grabbed lots of attention. All of the messages probably don't even actually mean anything, they're just there to build hype about the show and get people talking, after all that is the goal of an advert.


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