James Murphy

I once heard James Murphy was the hardest working producer in the industry. I think it true.

Aside from working on the new LCD album which is in its final mastering stages (actually probably all finished by now) Murphy has been working on the soundtrack to Noah Baumbach's film Greenberg. It features 6 songs credited to James and one credited to LCD, these songs are not half arsed instrumentals either, all brand new tracks written specifically for the movie with vocals! but sounding more like Pink Floyd than disco punk, not a bad thing of course. Released 23 march 2010.


01 James Murphy: "People"
02 Nite Jewel: "Suburbia"
03 James Murphy: "Sleepy Baby"
04 James Murphy: "Thumbs"
05 Albert Hammond: "It Never Rains in Southern California"
06 James Murphy: "Plenty of Time"
07 James Murphy: "Photographs"
08 James Murphy: "Gente"
09 Galaxie 500: "Strange"
10 LCD Soundsystem: "Oh You (Christmas Blues)"
11 James Murphy: "Birthday Song"
12 James Murphy: "Dear You"
13 The Sonics: "Shot Down"
14 Duran Duran: "The Chauffeur"
15 James Murphy: "If You Need a Friend"
16 James Murphy : "Please Don't Follow Me"
17 James Murphy: "Photographs (Piano)"

Pitchfork also have an interesting interview with Mr Murphy talking about the new LCD album and the Greenburg soundtrack. Read it here

Murphy has also been busy on the fashion circuit doing the music for the YSL show in paris last week, the video doesn't actually show LCD Soundsystem but they performed the song live at the show, watch the video below for the audio + Pretty girls walking is a nice bonus.

The track is LCDs interpretation of Peter Gordon & Love of Life Orchestra's 1979 song 'Beginning of the Heartbreak'.

Peter Gordon & Love of Life Orchestra- Beginning of the Heartbreak


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